看板 Gossiping作者 flowingwind (夏虹)
標題 [新聞] 倫敦格倫費爾塔大火
時間 Wed Jun 14 11:56:11 2017
1.媒體來源: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-40269625※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞 2.完整新聞標題: Fire engulfs Grenfell tower block in west London ※ 標題沒有寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章 3.完整新聞內文: A huge fire has engulfed a tower block in Latimer Road, west London, with eyewitnesses claiming people are trapped in their homes. The fire at Grenfell Tower on the Lancaster West Estate was reported at 01:16 BST and about 200 firefighters are tackling the blaze. The Met Police said people were being treated for "a range of injuries". The BBC's Andy Moore said the whole tower block was alight and there are fears the building might collapse. London Fire Brigade sent 40 fire engines to the tower. Eyewitnesses said they could see lights - thought to be torches - flashing at the top of the block of flats, which people say is "close to burning through". At about 04:00 police said: "Residents continue to be evacuated from the tower block." Our correspondent said: "We've seen debris falling from the building, we've heard explosions, we've heard the sound of glass breaking. "The police keep pushing back their cordons, pushing back members of the public for fear the building might collapse." He said the building was "burning out of control", from the tenth floor onwards. 'Burned away' George Clarke, the presenter of Channel 4 TV programme Amazing Spaces, told Radio 5 Live: "I'm getting covered in ash, that's how bad it is. "I'm 100 metres away and I'm absolutely covered in ash. "It's so heartbreaking, I've seen someone flashing their torches at the top level and they obviously can't get out." Tim Downey, another eyewitness, told the BBC part of the building was "completely burned away". "It has burned through to its very core," he said. "It looks very bad, very very bad. I've never seen anything like this. It's just such a big fire. "The whole building is just crumbling. It's just billowing black smoke." ※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者退文,貼廣告也會被退文喔! 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-40269625London fire: Six killed as Grenfell Tower engulfed - BBC News
The death toll is expected to rise, say police, as fire crews continue to tackle the blaze in west London. ...※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 5.備註:London fire: Six killed as Grenfell Tower engulfed - BBC News
The death toll is expected to rise, say police, as fire crews continue to tackle the blaze in west London. ...一場巨大的火災在倫敦西部的Latimer路吞沒了一個塔樓,目擊者聲稱人們被困在家中。 據報導,凌晨十一時十分,蘭開斯特西區格倫費爾大廈的火災,約二百名消防員正在救火 。警察說,許多人的受傷範圍不小。英國廣播公司的安迪· 摩爾(Andy Moore)說,整個塔樓在崩塌,而建築物可能會解體。 倫敦消防隊派出40台消防車到塔樓。目擊者說,他們可以看到燈光 (看起來像手電筒)在公寓的樓頂,看起來像是人們在說 "大樓要燒穿了"。 大約04:00警方說:“居民持續的從塔樓撤離。”BBC的記者說:“我們看到碎片從建築物落下,我們聽到爆炸聲,我們聽到了玻璃破裂的 聲音。警方一再地退後封鎖線和驅逐民眾,擔心樓宇可能崩潰。 他說這座建築從十樓起就是“失控”了。 “燒掉了” 頻道4電視節目“Amazing Spaces”的主播喬治· 克拉克(George Clarke)說 “我身上都是灰燼,這是多麼的糟糕。 “我距離火場只有100公尺,整個人都被灰燼覆蓋。 “這真令人心碎,我看到有人在頂層閃手電筒,顯然是被困住了。” 另一位目擊者蒂姆· 唐尼(Tim Downey)告訴BBC,這棟建築物的一部分被 “完全燒毀”了。 “整棟建築物被燒得非常透”他說。 “看起來很糟糕,非常糟糕,我從來沒有見過這麼大的火。 “整座建築正在崩塌,滾滾黑煙狂冒。” --------------- 2017年預言之一嗎? ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1497412576.A.677.html推 jyekid: 超大1F 06/14 11:57剛剛看電視頭條就馬上抓BBC來po了,沒看直播但是畫面神恐怖。West London Grenfell Tower on fire, multiple casualties confirmed (Recorded LIVE FEED) - YouTube Grenfell Tower on Latimer Road in West London engulfed in a horrifying blaze, with reports saying people have been trapped in flats in the upper stories. REA...
推 orange7986: 剛看影片 火超大3F 06/14 11:58※ 編輯: flowingwind (, 06/14/2017 12:00:03推 greta107: 剛看新聞 也看到 超恐怖的4F 06/14 11:59推 kiraayu: kmt自燃系統發威5F 06/14 11:59推 tensinya: 是那個上面長年有烏鴨 的 塔嗎6F 06/14 12:00West London Grenfell Tower on fire, multiple casualties confirmed (Recorded LIVE FEED) - YouTube Grenfell Tower on Latimer Road in West London engulfed in a horrifying blaze, with reports saying people have been trapped in flats in the upper stories. REA...
推 kaito1209: 心都碎了8F 06/14 12:01→ nexus9: 在我老婆以前住的地方旁邊......太慘了9F 06/14 12:01推 eipduolc: 這真的發爐了→ eipduolc: 人不知道有沒有都救出來11F 06/14 12:02→ nexus9: 沒有,許多人被困在裡面。看到好難過12F 06/14 12:03凌晨開始燒的,燒到現在房子快塌了應該救不出來了QQ ※ 編輯: flowingwind (, 06/14/2017 12:05:46噓 chiy16: 太誇張了 還有還在kmt的是神經病嗎13F 06/14 12:04推 benson50913: 這三小........裡面的人感覺兇多吉少14F 06/14 12:05Sky News - Live - YouTube SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: Follow us on Twitter: and
推 love1987817: 頭次看有大樓燒這麼慘的 這要怎救?16F 06/14 12:06推 jyekid: 好像有兩百個在裡面17F 06/14 12:09→ ynd: 沒事兒 沒事兒18F 06/14 12:10推 icou: 怎麼有辦法燒成這樣啊....24樓的木製品喔19F 06/14 12:11推 love1987817: 會是恐攻嗎?要不一般怎會燒成這樣 真的扯20F 06/14 12:11推 aragonite: 天啊!願平安!這種大樓到底要怎麼救QQ23F 06/14 12:16推 HANJIUN: 那棟是住宅嗎?24F 06/14 12:16推 Galm: 可能會被燒垮,但911世貿一樣25F 06/14 12:17→ muserFW: 超可怕..26F 06/14 12:17推 nexus9: 是啊,這棟大樓都是住宅。27F 06/14 12:18剛剛BBC更新,說這是一棟有120單位的24樓住宅 我想裡面應該住很多人QQ 有目擊者在講說看到很多人用手機手電筒求救,但是現在都沒看到了...推 UltraRaRa: QQ28F 06/14 12:19→ nmchen: 幹你媽的 麵包店又失火了30F 06/14 12:19※ 編輯: flowingwind (, 06/14/2017 12:22:42推 mmax: 突然想到,國外建物都把冷氣機藏那邊?外觀超'乾淨'31F 06/14 12:20通常是蓋房子的時候就跟管線一起藏在牆壁地板了,大型室內空調那種推 Enfys: 好可怕...32F 06/14 12:21推 aaa989796twt: 倫敦最近真亂QQ33F 06/14 12:22※ 編輯: flowingwind (, 06/14/2017 12:25:24→ airua: 現在裡面應該沒有活人了35F 06/14 12:25推 nexus9: 管線also included the heater..英國房子都是這樣36F 06/14 12:27推 fracs: 怎麼可以燒成這樣?恐怖喔37F 06/14 12:27推 thenorth: 真的很恐怖QQ38F 06/14 12:32推 BigBananaBoy: 幹好扯39F 06/14 12:35推 idlewolf: 沒救了啊 燒到整個像一根巨大柴火一樣了40F 06/14 12:37West London Grenfell Tower on fire, multiple casualties confirmed (Recorded LIVE FEED) - YouTube Grenfell Tower on Latimer Road in West London engulfed in a horrifying blaze, with reports saying people have been trapped in flats in the upper stories. REA...
→ tallhigh: 一般火災會燒成這樣嗎?42F 06/14 12:40推 cospergod: 挖糙,今天才買女王,不會這麼雖吧43F 06/14 12:46→ ohyeahyaya: 太可怕了……44F 06/14 12:48推 ffaatt: 房子燒的這麼整齊 人也沒地方躲吧45F 06/14 12:54→ giveme520: 被都更??46F 06/14 12:55推 eipduolc: 死者R.I.P. 唉47F 06/14 12:59推 skyprayer: 在台灣已經開始檢討消防隊了....48F 06/14 13:14London - 2 Bed Flat, Grenfell Tower, W11 - To Rent Now for £1,711.67 p/m
Property: 2 Bed Flat, Grenfell Tower, W11, Available to Rent in London. No admin fees. £1,711.67 p/m. ...→ m4tl6: 超慘50F 06/14 13:43推 l2272: 房租不貴耶...51F 06/14 13:50推 CoLLaps: R.I.P.52F 06/14 14:05推 WLR: 這個火好誇張53F 06/14 14:19→ Moratti: 火也太大了54F 06/14 14:33推 ctes940008: 恐怖的火場55F 06/14 15:40→ capcombio: 這怎麼燒的...56F 06/14 18:32推 neverleft: 英國有需要吹到冷氣嗎= =57F 06/14 18:56推 Finarfin: 自從Teresa may當首相後 英國真的是風波不斷...58F 06/14 21:56推 h965715: 說英國不用吹冷氣的一定沒去過英國59F 06/14 22:45--
[新聞] 倫敦格倫費爾塔大火