看板 Gossiping作者 zhxl (武裝肥宅)
標題 [爆卦] 女權雜誌:亞洲女性歧視亞洲男性
時間 Mon Mar 19 22:59:37 2018
探討「亞洲女性仇視亞洲男性」的議題 此文出於專門關注亞洲女生權利的雜誌 april magazine 上 原文網址:https://goo.gl/9HHf73原文 I was in the eighth grade when I first encountered a self-hating Asian. The person in question was a 1.5th generation Korean girl and one of the few other Asian students in my nearly all-white Canadian high school. Being (heterosexual) teenaged girls, we naturally spent a lot of our time together discussing cute boys. I can still remember her reaction when I mentioned that my long-time crush was the boy who sat in front of me during my after-school Chinese classes. “Oh, so he’s an Asian guy,” she said dismissively. Seeing the confused look on my face, she quickly added, “It’s just that they’re always so nerdy, you know? And most of them are kind of ugly, too.” My friend wasn’t alone in holding these views. Since then, I’ve listened to countless Asian women sing their excuses for why they refused to date within their own race. Between the never-ending chorus of “It’d be like dating my own brother” or “I just happen to have more in common with white guys,” I began to understand that these excuses were simply an expression of their internalized racism. Rather than confront these feelings, they chose to craft a narrative where Asian men were too [fill in the blank with an undesirable characteristic of your choice], thus absolving them of personal responsibility for their dating decisions. Of course, on closer inspection, it was clear that their rationalizations were riddled with inconsistencies. For one thing, in order for their collective testimonies to be true, Asian men would have to occupy a very paradoxical position on the spectrum of male undesirability—vilified as patriarchal overlords by one woman and then mocked for being geeky losers by the next. Moreover, while these women vehemently resisted being labeled themselves, they couldn’t recognize their own hypocrisy in stereotyping other groups. Take, for example, this article written by an international student from Hong Kong attending university in the UK. She discusses the ethnic stereotypes she has encountered and ultimately reaffirms that people are just “individuals with variety after all.” She then ends her piece by remarking that Chinese men are, in fact, “smaller” than white men. This article ties into a larger trend of Asian women publicly vocalizing disdain for their Asian male counterparts. Gina Choe and Jenny An both felt compelled to broadcast their Asian-exclusionary dating preferences on public platforms. Comedian Esther Ku routinely exploits (false) stereotypes of Asian men during her shows. A couple months ago, she even tweeted a video thanking United Airlines for assaulting Dr. David Dao. I want to be clear: there’s nothing wrong with choosing to be in an interracial relationship. There’s everything wrong with having to insult the men of your own race when you do. Our current racial climate is inherently hostile and discourages anything that fosters a strong sense of self-esteem among all POC living in the West. Whiteness is often the unspoken prerequisite to success and respect, which incentivizes minorities to seek further inclusion into white society. For some Asian women, this involves disassociating themselves entirely from Asian men. These women are certainly not representative of the average Asian woman from any country. However, we also can’t deny that this vocal minority has swallowed up a disproportionate amount of room in what little space is granted for our voices. And there’s been minimal effort on our part to censure them. Taken in the collective, the actions of these individuals illustrate the broader failure of our community to facilitate open discussion on issues like internalized racism. As a diverse and immigrant-heavy population, the development of our racial consciousness remains in its fledgling state. The foundation of our activism, therefore, depends on our ability to solidify a positive Asian identity—and we can start by calling out the self-haters among us. (Written by Yuenting J. Yuenting is a third generation Chinese-Canadian currently attending university.) 粗略的意思是部分亞洲女性找了許多藉口來汙衊貶低亞洲男性 將沙文主義、魯蛇、甚至是種族歧視的字眼都莫須有的套在亞洲男人身上 將亞洲男性貶低的一無是處好讓她們喜歡白人的行為合理化 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1521471580.A.0F6.htmlWe Need to Talk About the Asian Women Who Hate on Asian Men | April Magazine
I was in the eighth grade when I first encountered a self-hating Asian. The person in question was a 1.5th generation Korean girl and one of the few o ...→ qq12355q:國際認證了-.-+→ giads51:台灣女權自助餐 世界有名了 幫台男QQ→ janchun:台女母豬,揚名國際推 w0921224075: 寫得真棒1F 03/19 23:00推 summerleaves: 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔 終於有人說實話了 還不推爆!!!2F 03/19 23:00推 eko112: 好中肯3F 03/19 23:00推 kyozwhie: 國際認證4F 03/19 23:00→ OAO5566: 這篇會有幾推? XDDDD5F 03/19 23:00推 qhapaq: 抓到了 仇男6F 03/19 23:01推 a27647535: wwww7F 03/19 23:01→ a27647535: 真女權?推 w0921224075: 推,都推9F 03/19 23:01噓 zzzz8931: 濫用爆卦 8810F 03/19 23:01推 cul287: 事實11F 03/19 23:01推 popgsct: 慘惹 這篇政治不正確 幫補血12F 03/19 23:01推 harimo: 好文,推13F 03/19 23:01推 ViktorGoogle: 幫台南QQ14F 03/19 23:02推 yogurt0313: 寫反了吧= =15F 03/19 23:02→ FA88124: 國際認證16F 03/19 23:02推 w0921224075: 趕快推17F 03/19 23:02推 HANAXALICE: 轉母豬版18F 03/19 23:02→ JHGF2468A: 反串?19F 03/19 23:02推 yeap193: 爸爸也是亞洲男 間接貶低自己一半的血統?XD20F 03/19 23:02噓 luke11130177: 可撥台男嗚嗚嗚☺ ☺ ☺21F 03/19 23:03推 gginin007: 女權認證CCR22F 03/19 23:03推 thegreatlcx: 母豬國際認證23F 03/19 23:03推 yesgogo: 樓下幫轉女版24F 03/19 23:03推 miwaislove: 先卡25F 03/19 23:03推 lzhhilly: 國際認證26F 03/19 23:03推 hmcedamon: 欸 魯蛇什麼的都男人自己發明來自娛的不是????27F 03/19 23:03推 w0921224075: 不推對不起台男28F 03/19 23:03噓 CityRanger: 女權被盜 沒 我才被盜29F 03/19 23:03推 w0921224075: 女權這麼快就崩潰了,卡位30F 03/19 23:04噓 melic: 可悲台男還要買媒體仇女31F 03/19 23:04推 tonytl6962: 抓到 仇女雜誌32F 03/19 23:04推 scu96: 總算有人發現我們的好了 這本可以買33F 03/19 23:04推 pillliq: 把到別人男朋友 內戰了34F 03/19 23:05推 LeonardoChen: 就某些CCR台女的一貫行徑啊,台男太爛只好哈洋屌35F 03/19 23:05推 w0921224075: 多少錢,買幾本來發給女權支持者36F 03/19 23:05→ cubegaga: 這篇會被推爆 ㄏㄏ37F 03/19 23:05→ Tenging: HEHEHEHE38F 03/19 23:05推 N40805: 男生真的要保護自己39F 03/19 23:05推 jezz9740: 這本雜誌要被女權停刊囉40F 03/19 23:05推 NCKUTakeshi: 這是真的女權雜誌嗎=_= 怎麼跟我們臺灣的女權不一樣41F 03/19 23:05推 LT26i: 他訪問的都是有CCR傾向的女生 會有這結果不EY42F 03/19 23:06推 d880126d: 推43F 03/19 23:06噓 laba5566: 白女: 幹你娘 跟亞洲魯蛇再一起就好 不要來搶白男44F 03/19 23:06推 Rsreturn: 靠,阿小屌矮子亞洲男是不能歧視膩45F 03/19 23:06※ Machinator:轉錄至看板 WomenTalk 03/19 23:06推 w0921224075: 台女7pupu46F 03/19 23:06推 MEVIUS: 歧視亞洲男性(X) 喜歡吸白懶覺(O)47F 03/19 23:06推 Aggro: 會不會被隔空水桶阿48F 03/19 23:06推 jackie0804: QQ49F 03/19 23:06噓 darkMood: 無聊,人類都是白痴又互相笑對方是白痴,操。50F 03/19 23:07推 w0921224075: 優質文必須推51F 03/19 23:08推 saint01: ......52F 03/19 23:08推 mjonask: WOW53F 03/19 23:09推 STi2011: XDDDDDD54F 03/19 23:09推 silentence: 地圖炮好像有點大....XDDDDDDDDDD55F 03/19 23:10推 suhaw: 隔空水桶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!56F 03/19 23:10推 watashiD: 終於有人幫忙平反了QQ 感動57F 03/19 23:10推 lamboyoyo: QQ58F 03/19 23:10噓 CityRanger: 這一定是野雞雜誌啦啦啦 我們台灣女權怎麼可能有問題59F 03/19 23:11推 ilpqvm: 這是白人女權在歧視黃人女權嗎? 黃人女權這麼有威脅性?60F 03/19 23:11→ PttXiangMing: QQ61F 03/19 23:11推 Liaocavalier: 國際認證 XDDDDDDDDDDDD62F 03/19 23:11推 GalLe5566: 就周芷若那類型的啊 我反而才比較驚訝這麼久才有人說63F 03/19 23:11推 w0921224075: 看懂,會翻白眼64F 03/19 23:12推 koiopolo2: #me too 這雜誌想強姦我65F 03/19 23:12推 hinet5566: XD 事實66F 03/19 23:12推 tksq: 轉母豬版啊67F 03/19 23:12推 tnnua: 本日最中肯68F 03/19 23:12推 CvyGG: 隔壁又要開吃自助宵夜了69F 03/19 23:12推 Dooo: 女權終於對自家豬隊友開炮了70F 03/19 23:13推 kevinlike: 推71F 03/19 23:13推 KujiraKun: 台灣的女權就假女權啊 專吃性別紅利而已72F 03/19 23:13推 w0921224075: 晚點一定一堆台女連環噓73F 03/19 23:13推 getter5566: 這才是真女權74F 03/19 23:14推 North4use: 這篇竟然是女權雜誌寫的?75F 03/19 23:14推 zy116pj: 先補血76F 03/19 23:14推 cosmite: 事實給推77F 03/19 23:14推 ARTORIA: 國際認證的母豬78F 03/19 23:14推 longkiss0618: 求完整翻譯79F 03/19 23:14推 HowieH: XD80F 03/19 23:15→ ewjfd: 台女81F 03/19 23:15噓 Grothendieck: 第一段情境明明最有趣最有畫面 可是你不翻82F 03/19 23:15推 moeliliacg: 女權雜誌認證的(ry)83F 03/19 23:15推 sazdj: 看著看著 我不知不覺流下眼淚84F 03/19 23:15→ Grothendieck: 加上第二段才對85F 03/19 23:15→ ewjfd: 哇靠好犀利的用詞 比八卦用詞還犀利86F 03/19 23:16推 twnndnpdnc: 真女權87F 03/19 23:16推 liehen: 幫補血XD88F 03/19 23:16噓 jojoberry: 亞男又再假女人之名行仇女之實囉!!幾千年來騙不膩耶~~89F 03/19 23:16推 w0921224075: 第二段還砲nerdy書呆kinds of ugly,也不看看自己90F 03/19 23:17推 wate5566: 抓到了 女拳雜誌是台南外圍組織91F 03/19 23:17→ jojoberry: 台男真的被台男害死耶~嘻嘻92F 03/19 23:17推 markie1234: 原來是台女R93F 03/19 23:18推 grimmd59570: 就是融入白人社會的手段啊,一方面也是談到亞裔在國94F 03/19 23:18推 muzik: 以上是求偶焦慮名單95F 03/19 23:18→ grimmd59570: 外面臨的階級問題,因此反映在亞女擇偶的基準上96F 03/19 23:18推 djyunjie: 國際認證97F 03/19 23:18推 inshadow: 女權被盜帳號?98F 03/19 23:18推 tin123210: 等等台灣女權就翻臉不認帳99F 03/19 23:18推 s81048112: XDDDDDDDDDDDD100F 03/19 23:18推 MADAOTW: 推101F 03/19 23:18推 alog: 女權認證 可是我也很愛洋妞啊102F 03/19 23:19推 kmshy: 周掌門又要發廢文了103F 03/19 23:19推 gn02118620: 請勇者轉北韓板104F 03/19 23:20推 s86141123: 國際認證,幫補血105F 03/19 23:20推 w0921224075: 第三段超精彩,這根本是內化的歧視,只會用自己的觀106F 03/19 23:20→ w0921224075: 點強加在亞洲男性身上,還認為自己跟白人有共同優勢推 billyang86: 太有道理啦108F 03/19 23:20推 twmarstw7758: 上次求偶焦慮不就是這樣109F 03/19 23:21推 Rsreturn: 這篇真正猛,連亞洲男性比較"小"都有提到,亞女到歐美110F 03/19 23:21推 zxc99327: QQ111F 03/19 23:21推 xdctjh: 給翻譯翻譯112F 03/19 23:21→ Rsreturn: 國家就像餓鬼到All you can eat 一樣,回不去了XD113F 03/19 23:21→ lslayer: 講這麼明白CCR會不會暴怒崩潰阿?114F 03/19 23:22推 pottr50911: 吃錯藥?115F 03/19 23:23推 tadshift2: 八卦版講就是仇女,外國人講就有道理116F 03/19 23:23推 henry8168: 女權仇女?117F 03/19 23:23→ jerrylin: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD有勇者要轉去灑花版嗎118F 03/19 23:23推 sunyapess: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD119F 03/19 23:24推 icou: 幹這甚麼雜誌我要訂閱120F 03/19 23:24→ k44754: 專業雜誌121F 03/19 23:24推 w0921224075: 第四段就反正行為不符台女期待就被扣父權帽子,至少p122F 03/19 23:25噓 ewjfd: April Magazine 仇女還被看破手腳 抵制不再看123F 03/19 23:25→ w0921224075: atriarchal我還認得124F 03/19 23:25推 andy10222: 補血125F 03/19 23:25推 KSHLO: 是真的阿 洋妞都比亞洲女生好相處 不會有莫名優越感126F 03/19 23:25推 jieen0604: 笑死127F 03/19 23:25推 losel: 又是噁心台男仇 ...... 咦 ...... ?128F 03/19 23:25→ w0921224075: 拿出證據啦,說說不算好嗎129F 03/19 23:26噓 paxiex32: ??????130F 03/19 23:26推 xdctjh: 喜歡白懶叫啦131F 03/19 23:26推 anonym48: 亞洲人自己就愛歧視自己,男女都一樣只是表現在不同地方132F 03/19 23:26推 Lavaro: 這篇精準點出台灣女權自助餐的樣態!!! 敘述之精準令人讚嘆133F 03/19 23:27噓 ewjfd: 假女權雜誌 真父權文宣134F 03/19 23:27推 vespar: 這眾所皆知八135F 03/19 23:27推 AirPenguin: 母豬教就是現實被歧視才來網上發洩啊136F 03/19 23:27推 MotleyCrue: 太專業了 國際認證台女 = 母豬137F 03/19 23:27推 ben840619: 爆吧138F 03/19 23:28推 harry155007: 叭叭叭 太台肯惹啦139F 03/19 23:29推 yuinghoooo: 部分女性而已啦140F 03/19 23:29推 w0921224075: 第五段反正亞女半斤八兩自己不愛被貼標籤還貼別人,141F 03/19 23:29→ w0921224075: 港女到國外唸書都懂得什麼是個體多樣,拋棄成見,反→ w0921224075: 觀→ WWIII: 哈哈 真女權來打臉ccr了144F 03/19 23:30推 finalsin: 翻譯一下啦!會有人說:人家女生看不懂啦。。。145F 03/19 23:30→ nowitzki0207: 莫須有這可不一定吧146F 03/19 23:30推 huabandd: 女權要出來了 先補血先補血147F 03/19 23:31推 Icanmakeit: 這裡都多益1000的 還有看不懂的人喔= =148F 03/19 23:32→ lyt5566: 抓到了,女權歧視女權149F 03/19 23:32推 acpbl: 台女150F 03/19 23:32推 w0921224075: 第六段,反正沒人可以決定自己性別,不需要侮辱人,151F 03/19 23:33→ sunyapess: 看完了 寫得好生動XDDD152F 03/19 23:33→ w0921224075: 反觀153F 03/19 23:33推 Forthelife: 呵呵呵呵呃呃呃呃呃誒154F 03/19 23:33→ w0921224075: 看的懂的幫一下啦QQQ155F 03/19 23:33推 HNO3: QAQ 難怪我單身這麼久156F 03/19 23:33→ Forthelife: 媽的快笑死,真的假的啊?不是來釣的吧?157F 03/19 23:34推 love0504: 嗯158F 03/19 23:34推 gh26300: 那韓女真逗159F 03/19 23:34推 ptt888: 中肯160F 03/19 23:34推 wds824: 只能推了161F 03/19 23:34推 ralfeistein: 完了完了 假女拳又要出來靠么了162F 03/19 23:34噓 extrachaos: 仇女雜誌,一定是八卦魯蛇編的163F 03/19 23:34→ mimikillua: 哈哈 丟臉丟到國外去164F 03/19 23:34推 fragmentwing: 女權3:內戰165F 03/19 23:34推 arod40: 推推推166F 03/19 23:34噓 amos30627: 父權 叭叭167F 03/19 23:35推 beachnote: 呵168F 03/19 23:35噓 ewjfd: 又沒提到台女 亞洲女性不代表台女 台男少高潮了169F 03/19 23:35推 meredith001: 母豬崩潰170F 03/19 23:35推 ptt987654321: 總算有人出來說真話了171F 03/19 23:36推 dannpptt: 假女權雜誌172F 03/19 23:36推 w0921224075: 台女是亞洲女性啊173F 03/19 23:36推 IHD: 台灣的自助餐 要怎麼自圓其說了啊???174F 03/19 23:36推 moeliliacg: 幫補血175F 03/19 23:36推 joe199277: 幹 抓到 仇女176F 03/19 23:37推 t81511270: 國際認證 幫推177F 03/19 23:37推 henryhao: 哈哈178F 03/19 23:37→ IHD: 早就說 人家真正的女權 肯定不是台灣自助餐教授帶領的這種啦179F 03/19 23:37推 holydc: 一定是求偶焦慮亞男編的仇女雜誌180F 03/19 23:37噓 Pixma258: 寫的人名字和種族明明就是在美華人,不是白人女在攻擊181F 03/19 23:38→ Pixma258: 亞洲女性,笑死人推 StarCat76: 啥鬼183F 03/19 23:38推 Joey452: 一定是吃不到洋腸、或吃到毒洋腸,所以賭爛寫了這篇184F 03/19 23:38噓 ewjfd: 不過就是亞洲男性訂閱者少 促銷一下 台男就興奮了 真好操弄185F 03/19 23:38推 djyunjie: 亞洲女性不代表台女 ok 這個邏輯很ok186F 03/19 23:39推 GonVolcano: 這原文文法很亞洲人187F 03/19 23:39→ pytzog: 希望下輩子能投胎當金髮洋人188F 03/19 23:40推 u35k6: 沒聽過的雜誌 轉灑花板了嗎XD189F 03/19 23:40推 apple7685: 7777777777190F 03/19 23:40推 AirPenguin: 某幾個ID連噓 看來是戳到痛點了XD191F 03/19 23:41推 kobe9527: 女權認證192F 03/19 23:41推 gfhnrtjpoiuy: 厚~這雜誌仇女ㄛ193F 03/19 23:41推 w0921224075: 推到12點啦194F 03/19 23:42推 rumirumi: 不就是ㄈㄈ尺的台女嗎195F 03/19 23:42推 LikeaG6: 我要寫個慘字196F 03/19 23:42推 m3633998: XD197F 03/19 23:44噓 QVQ9487: 垃圾亞女198F 03/19 23:44推 p72910: 不是只有台女而已,是全亞洲都哈白屌,台男有沒有很安慰199F 03/19 23:44推 WWIII: 真假女權 高下立判阿200F 03/19 23:44推 w0921224075: 女權,有什麼話要說嗎201F 03/19 23:44推 AppleMan: 退202F 03/19 23:45推 INTJ: 幹!203F 03/19 23:45推 heybro: 稍微去看了一下某些人的嘴臉 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔204F 03/19 23:46→ mimikillua: 認真問一下 這種女人套到洋屌以後還會劈腿嗎205F 03/19 23:46噓 AAA891216: 台男歧視台女 台女歧視台男 不就是亞洲人歧視亞洲人206F 03/19 23:46推 color3258: 讚!!推!!!207F 03/19 23:46推 mpyhacct0443: 有沒有勇者敢轉女版208F 03/19 23:47噓 ginopun10477: 亞女生不意外209F 03/19 23:47推 w0921224075: 趕快推210F 03/19 23:47推 IHD: 魯蛇扛轎 才能繼續上嫁下娶啊 沒嫁出去是人中之龍供應不足啊211F 03/19 23:48推 w0921224075: 台女不要自慰了212F 03/19 23:48推 albertfeng: 這個要推213F 03/19 23:48→ chris44099: 因為這些人完全是在扯真女權後退啊214F 03/19 23:48推 lunawolke: 國際認證215F 03/19 23:48推 Gold740716: 作者是在加拿大有華人血統的第三代女性216F 03/19 23:48推 jetzake: 看戲看戲217F 03/19 23:49推 ErROrGG: 小心 是隔空水桶!!!218F 03/19 23:50推 hihi29: 根本就是在講台女219F 03/19 23:50推 scott0002: 笑死220F 03/19 23:50→ scott0002: 女權 認證的女沙豬推 w0921224075: 沒有歧視台女,是台女自作自受222F 03/19 23:50推 JayceYen: 台母豬 世界公認223F 03/19 23:51推 hddd5566: 太中肯了巴 這書是哪國出的?224F 03/19 23:51推 t1329kimo: 肥芷又要7pupu了225F 03/19 23:52→ Atwo: QQ 我為什麼生下來是世界最下賤的血統和性別 我要當高加索人226F 03/19 23:52推 tyifgee: 哇靠...這不是自助餐啊227F 03/19 23:53推 p907018: 國際認證228F 03/19 23:53→ IHD: 別急 還沒到底 支持母語大對決齁 那母語非英語的 會更低喔229F 03/19 23:53--
[爆卦] 女權雜誌:亞洲女性歧視亞洲男性