看板 Gossiping作者 biolive30 (biolive30)
標題 [新聞] 微軟關閉Skype倫敦總部。(鄉民誰還在用?)
時間 Sun Sep 18 15:11:31 2016
1.媒體來源: DIGITAL TRENDS 2.完整新聞標題: Microsoft to shutter Skype’s London HQ, lay off 400 employees 3.完整新聞內文: The other shoe has dropped. Following Microsoft’s annual report in August, which said it would lay off approximately 2,850 employees globally in the fourth quarter of 2016, the company is closing Skype’s HQ in London as part of the large-scale terminations. The move means around 400 people will lose their jobs, and as Microsoft told the Financial Times, it “made the decision to unify some engineering positions, potentially putting at risk a number of globally focused Skype and financial roles." The tech giant also said that it will use a consultation process to help those who were laid off. The decision comes at a time when the British tech industry is working to show its resiliency following the country’s vote to leave the European Union. Skype was originally founded in London in 2003, and Microsoft purchased it in 2011 for $8.5 billion. Related: Microsoft's Outlook now lets you attach Google Drive files and Facebook photos Russ Shaw, founder of industry group Tech London Advocates, and previously the vice president of Skype Emea before Microsoft bought the company, told the Financial Times that he was disappointed by news of the closure. “Skype is one of Europe’s iconic technology businesses and a genuine ‘ unicorn’ with an amazing pedigree of innovation and talent,” he said. “ While London is working hard to build a strong base of world-class technology businesses, this decision is a step in the wrong direction.” The Financial Times also cited an unnamed source who identified as a former Skype employee, as saying they were not surprised by the move, because Skype executives have been leaving the company over the past few years. “I know it’s natural to integrate, but Skype is a shell of the company it once was,” the source said. “One of the things that was always a big issue for Microsoft was that big decisions at Skype would usually always be made in Europe, not in Redmond [Microsoft’s HQ]. Now, it’s a Redmond, Microsoft-led company rather than an independent Skype.” 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://goo.gl/MkCuh45.備註: 微軟不意外,Skype遲早要被微軟收攤。 微軟再一次把買來的好東西搞爛了,繼MSN之後,微軟又要從通訊軟體上離開了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1474182695.A.22A.htmlMicrosoft to Close Skype's London HQ, Lay Off 400 Employees | Digital Trends
The move means approximately 400 people will lose their jobs, as the company made the decision to unify some engineering positions. ...→ YahooTaiwan: 工作,還是會用到吧1F 09/18 15:11推 aza0290: 工作2F 09/18 15:11噓 snsdakb48: 翻譯都不會喔3F 09/18 15:12→ aa01081008tw: 微軟好像收購什麼那東西就會倒耶...帶賽王?4F 09/18 15:12推 wlwillwell: 幹根本是微軟自己亂搞,MSN自殺,買了skype再自殺5F 09/18 15:13推 orze04: EA?6F 09/18 15:13推 langeo: 還算好用阿7F 09/18 15:13推 c710: 為何SKYPE快倒@@?8F 09/18 15:13推 hugh509: hangouts崛起9F 09/18 15:13→ wlwillwell: 但是目前以通訊品質和方便性來說還是skype最佳10F 09/18 15:14推 bla: 大公司體制和思考都僵化,新東西搞不起來正常11F 09/18 15:14推 shivaeye: 現在都用line吧..12F 09/18 15:14→ Eriri: 工作meeting還是要用...13F 09/18 15:14推 l42857: 目前音質最好是 skype 而且在中國也可以用14F 09/18 15:15→ linceass: 史蓋批還滿好用的啊15F 09/18 15:15推 chihchuan: Hangouts 很好用16F 09/18 15:15→ darkbrigher: 新聞沒附翻譯大意 bye bye17F 09/18 15:16→ l42857: 不用裝微信這種破軟體傷害手機18F 09/18 15:16推 ttping: 工作...19F 09/18 15:16推 Arbin: 所以我說那個Skype Teams要出來了ㄇ20F 09/18 15:16→ CREA…推 PHINEAR: 上班還在用22F 09/18 15:17→ matrox323: 微軟真是白癡23F 09/18 15:18推 sellgd: skype 明明還很好用 電影 影集都是24F 09/18 15:19微軟關閉Skype倫敦辦事處 大部分員工被裁 - TechFeed科技讀報
微軟準備關閉Skype倫敦辦事處,大多數員工將會被解僱。英國退出歐盟,為了安撫企業,英國科技產業不斷向外界暗示,未來仍然會保持繁榮,保持開放。就在此時,微軟向後退了一步。微軟在聲明中表示,之所以做出這個決定,主要是為了整合工程部門,Skype及Yammer在全球各處的一些員工可能會受到影響。微軟的重 ...推 bj45566: 說現在都用 line 的超級以台灣看天下 www26F 09/18 15:21噓 post91: Skype對海外要打電話的人多方便...沒在用?唉..27F 09/18 15:21推 kakami: 難用死了28F 09/18 15:21→ suntex01: skype 明明比line穩多了。不知道為什麼手機上會輸line29F 09/18 15:22→ post91: 真的多出門走走拜託不要用台灣看天下→ post91: 通訊品質又穩又好...31F 09/18 15:23噓 keither1009: 要打網路電話還是得用死蓋屁,這點line還是無法取代32F 09/18 15:23推 cd12631: 我都用hooli chat33F 09/18 15:24推 bj45566: Skype 和 line 主打客群不盡相同這點先不論,line 在全球34F 09/18 15:24推 elmush: 微軟真是智障35F 09/18 15:24→ bj45566: 社群通訊軟體中根本是魯肉腳等級… www36F 09/18 15:24噓 dslite: 菜比八 工作都在用好嗎?37F 09/18 15:24→ laman45: 搞掉msn就是個錯誤,尤其銜接的skype當時根本沒準備好38F 09/18 15:25噓 freedom77: 菜味真重 還在讀書?39F 09/18 15:25推 furnaceh: skype打海外電話比較划算,有付錢還是有差40F 09/18 15:25→ cerwvk: skype還在用啊.41F 09/18 15:26→ laman45: 最後就是明明佔盡先機,卻坐看手機市場被攻佔42F 09/18 15:26噓 ceiba5566: 台灣看世界 多少公司裝商用版skype?真以為沒人在用阿43F 09/18 15:27噓 machia: skype沒人用 媽的反指標44F 09/18 15:27推 bj45566: MS 在網路(尤其是行動)這塊的決策向來都極糟… @@45F 09/18 15:29推 emma426: 住有親友在國外完全靠skype連絡,希望它不要倒啊!46F 09/18 15:31推 arrenwu: 我還在用啊@@" 實際上Skype視訊還是最強的不是嗎?47F 09/18 15:31推 denny5082: 哪裡都用LINE?外國人根本沒在用LINE= =48F 09/18 15:35噓 remmurds: PTT 看世界49F 09/18 15:35推 uniself: 用手機打市話時很好用又便宜50F 09/18 15:36推 bj45566: S 商務視訊還是最強啊,說要倒了的那些本來就很 www(如→ bj45566: 某個熟悉的搞笑帳號 -- MS 在 Office, VS, ... 有多少成→ bj45566: 功的收購都完全不知 www)53F 09/18 15:38推 minda723: 公事都用skype54F 09/18 15:38推 bj45566: 但 MS 自毀 MSN,買 Skype 又太過天價也實在是…55F 09/18 15:40噓 a6234709: EA表示: 微軟想跟我看齊?!(誤56F 09/18 15:40噓 stupidbehapp: 說sk很少人在用跟本秀下限吧zz57F 09/18 15:44推 SimonAllen: 微軟根本和EA一樣58F 09/18 15:45推 erikanofann: 公司內部聯繫用59F 09/18 15:46推 ppc: 出國打回台灣客服好用啊→ ppc: 跟國外公司聯絡 很多人也會問有無Skype61F 09/18 15:48噓 catwei: 自訂標題...沒出社會...?62F 09/18 15:49推 liusean: Lync 啊63F 09/18 15:50推 bj45566: 微軟比 EA 全面太多了,目前也只有行動應用領域算幾乎全推 bj45566: 搞砸了吧… (新進攻的雲端多媒體等都算有所斬獲)65F 09/18 15:53噓 z1987090: 用LINE勒,老外誰跟你用line阿...只有有台日韓在用好嗎66F 09/18 15:55推 qooisgood: 上班聯絡不是都用skype?67F 09/18 15:59推 alau: 商業通訊霸主 一堆菜逼八→ alau: 洗洗睡69F 09/18 16:03推 Gwendaline: 學生吧 有在工作的就知道 幾乎都用skype70F 09/18 16:07→ ceab: LINE = SHIT。通訊品質算最好的吧!!71F 09/18 16:08推 marksky: 用 line 打客服→ marksky: 是 skype 才對 =皿=73F 09/18 16:09推 akame: 韓國有在用Line???Kakaotalk表示:74F 09/18 16:09推 jahfone: SK 的手機版問題一堆 微軟加油好嗎75F 09/18 16:17噓 zone0016: 菜味重 你以後上班就不要用76F 09/18 16:19推 zeng50: 說都用line的真的笑死人77F 09/18 16:22噓 Ferscism: 真慘 看來都是22k的肝 大公司哪個不用Lync?78F 09/18 16:23噓 tj386: 上班會用 Skype 薪水應該都不高79F 09/18 16:24噓 kinki999: 為什麼不留MSN,留SKYPE這種爛貨80F 09/18 16:32→ gtsp0964: line連微信都慘輸 更別提whatapp81F 09/18 16:35推 sismiku: skype通訊品質算是比較好的82F 09/18 16:35推 jww: 明明就是整合到lync裡頭了,一群搞不清楚的人83F 09/18 16:51噓 Shermie: skype超爛的,還有七百多塊,某天說我帳密錯就再不能登入84F 09/18 17:15→ aghgna: 一手好牌打成大相公85F 09/18 17:19噓 alau: 純噓說用skype的薪水不高 沒看過世面86F 09/18 17:41噓 attis: Line 真的爛透了87F 09/18 17:46推 myvoice: 銀行免費客服電話很好用啊88F 09/18 17:53推 lbowlbow: 公司在用= =說實在真的很難用就是了,開起來跑超久的89F 09/18 17:53噓 kenyeh001: 乾 我上班只能用SK阿!!!!90F 09/18 18:04→ vencil: 應該是因為脫歐才順勢關閉倫敦的部門91F 09/18 18:10推 gwjhs112: 很多人要一起聊天只會用SK@@92F 09/18 18:28推 bunjie: 工作都在用吧 很多公司都用SKYPE 另外通訊品質SKYPE遠勝→ bunjie: LINE 原PO應該時還是學生不然就是不是在科科業94F 09/18 18:31→ Cruel2: skype通話品質狂勝啊95F 09/18 18:51推 k829173564: 分享畫面Skype>>>hangout96F 09/18 18:54推 Juanr: Line的通話跟視訊品質根本悲劇97F 09/18 19:13推 ScottOAO: Hangouts很好用啊98F 09/18 19:14→ hfoica: 敝公司有用。不能記錄訊息,因為記錄功能要多給錢99F 09/18 19:15推 ciou51: 工作用100F 09/18 19:43推 iComeInPeace: 哭哭 我租屋網路鎖skype連不上去101F 09/18 20:10--
[新聞] 微軟關閉Skype倫敦總部。(鄉民誰還在用?)